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After-accident evaluation is “no-cost-to-you”, meaning that you will not have to pay anything. Most auto insurance companies cover it.

No, you do not need an attorney for the first doctor evaluation. However, every case is different and in some, it does help to have a good attorney handling your case. If you need an attorney we can easily refer you to a local professional.

Every case is different but it’s usually recommended to be evaluated by a chiropractor in the first 72 hours after the accident. Always consult your doctor and attorney.

Chiropractic care for auto injuries is effective because spinal adjustments address the root cause for a patient’s pain – the spinal misalignment – rather than covering up pain symptoms. The force of an auto accident injury can knock the spine out of alignment, which then causes a slipped or herniated disc to compress nearby nerves. This nerve compression triggers pain and may even limit an individual’s range of motion. Hands-on Chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective treatment technique for restoring proper alignment to the spine, which alleviates this compression and reduces pain.

Whiplash is one of the most common auto accident injuries. This painful injury can occur at speeds as slow as 5mph. Whiplash occurs when the force of a rear-impact accident abruptly whips the neck – your neck is forced backwards and forwards very quickly. This whipping action knocks the cervical spine out of alignment, which then triggers pain. Symptoms of a whiplash injury include stiffness and soreness in the neck, as well as mobility restrictions. In addition to neck pain, you may also experience recurring headaches and migraines, difficulty concentrating on simple tasks, and sleep disturbances.

Auto accident injuries can have a serious impact on your health and quality of life. Our Albuquerque Chiropractors recommend an in-person diagnostic evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for Chiropractic care. Based on your diagnostic results, we will then create a custom treatment program.

Documented studies done by Charles Carroll, M.D., Paul McAtee, M.D. and Lee Riley, M.D. revealed that: “The amount of damage to the automobile bears little relation to the force applied to the cervical spine (neck) of the occupants.”
In other words, the damage to the passengers is not necessarily directly related to the damage to the vehicle. Thus all auto accident injuries need to be immediately evaluated by a qualified chiropractor like your Albuquerque Chiropractors.

Do not sign or settle anything until you have consulted with an auto accident injury chiropractor. If you settle before your injury is fully resolved, you will risk having to pay out of pocket for your care.

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